About the Exhibit


Beyond the Window, a gallery exhibit, was available for viewing by the public beginning February 27, 2015. Beyond the Window was an exhibition by Zeuxis artists (an association of still life painters) that explored the ways paintings use interior scenes to frame outdoor vistas.

From at least the time of ancient Pompeii, artists have used the device of a window view to contrast inner and outer worlds. The division of spaces – between worlds of direct sunlight and shadowy interior – heighten an entire set of contrasts: the intimate and the expansive; the domestic and the untamed; the controlled and the out of control. For all of these artists, the frame of the window serves as both threshold and unifier, at once containing the outdoors and providing release from the indoors.

A catalog, complete with information on each painting and an essay from artist John Goodrich, was available in the Norton Center lobby during the exhibition.


Zeuxis is a grassroots organization formed in New York City in 1995 to explore the contemporary possibilities of still life painting. To date, Zeuxis has organized over 50 exhibitions in museums, commercial galleries and other exhibition spaces. Reviews of Zeuxis exhibitions have appeared in The New York Times, The New York Sun, The Philadelphia Inquirer and numerous other publications. For more information visit www.zeuxis.us.